Code of Conduct Rules and Regulations
Code of Conduct Rules and Regulations

1. Library:
- Access to the Rizvi Law College Library is limited to students who hold a valid identification card issued by Rizvi Law College.
- To gain entry and use the library, students must present their Rizvi Law College student ID card. It is important to note that the card must be used only by the student to whom it was issued, and students must not lend their card to others.
- To ensure the security of the library, students must not leave their bags, books, or other personal belongings unattended. The library cannot be held responsible for any damage or theft of personal property.
- To maintain a quiet and conducive environment for studying, the use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited within the library. Students’ phones must either be turned off or set to silent mode.
- Non-compliance with this requirement may result in a fine and/or exclusion from the library. In addition, the consumption of food, beverages (with the exception of bottled water), and the use of personal audio equipment is not permitted within the library.
- Any form of photography, filming, videotaping, or audio-taping is strictly prohibited.
- Users must comply with the Copyright Regulations as displayed by the photocopiers. It is the responsibility of the users to ensure that borrowed material is returned in good condition.
- Users are required to pay for any damage to or loss of borrowed material at replacement cost, in addition to an administrative charge. Borrowing rights will be suspended until payment is made. Overdue books will incur a fine of Rs. 3/- per day per book.

2. Computer Lab:
- Access to the computer lab is available outside of lecture hours, specifically from 12.45 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.
- To maintain a clean and safe environment, the consumption of food, beverages (with the exception of drinking water), and smoking is strictly prohibited within the Computer Lab.
- Students are not permitted to view pornographic material, play games, hack into networks and other computers, spam, send junk mail, or cause damage to IT infrastructure, such as projector cables in the Computer Lab or on any other computer in college premises.

3. Dress code:
- Students are required to wear court formals on specific occasions.
- While attending college, students must dress appropriately in accordance with college decorum. This means dressing in a manner that is neat, clean, and professional.

4. General Rules & Regulations:
- To facilitate smooth operation, students may have their office-related queries addressed across the Enquiry/Fee Counter. The staff is available to assist students during working days between 10.00 a.m. and 10.30 a.m., and between 12.15 p.m. and 3.00 p.m.
- It is the responsibility of all students to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful and professional while in public. Insubordination, abusive language, and misconduct are strictly prohibited, and may result in disciplinary action, including expulsion from the college.
- Demonstrations of any kind in the college are strictly prohibited. Student behavior and activity should not interfere with the orderly administration and discipline of the college.
- In case of illness, students must submit a leave application to the Course Coordinator along with a medical certificate within three days of resuming college.
- Any student representing the college at Moot Court Competitions/Cultural Activities/Sports must ensure that the relevant documents are submitted for leave of absence within three days of resuming college.
- If you require Bonafide certificates, transcripts, transfer certificates, or any other important documentation, it is mandatory to apply for them at the college enquiry counter.
- During lectures, it is strictly prohibited to use cell phones. This rule is in place to ensure that you remain focused on the discussion and do not disturb your classmates. If you are caught using a cell phone during a lecture, you will be fined Rs. 500/-, and your cell phone may be confiscated.
- It is important to note that any student/s who engage in verbal or physical fights will be penalized. This is to ensure that everyone feels safe and secure in the college environment. We take a zero-tolerance approach to any form of violence or aggression.
- It is crucial that all students adhere to the rules, regulations, and requirements outlined by the college. Failure to do so will result in strict disciplinary action, which could have serious consequences for your academic career. Therefore, please be sure to always act responsibly and respectfully while on campus.
- Attendance is mandatory for all lectures, tutorials, tests, examinations, seminars, and moot courts, as per the college schedules. The attendance and performance of students in tutorials, seminars, classes, moot courts, and college examinations will be taken into account while considering their eligibility for university examinations.
- It is imperative that students conduct themselves appropriately in their respective classrooms and the college premises. Any behavior that disrupts any schedule of the college or causes disturbance to fellow students is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
- In addition, students should avoid loitering or congregating in groups in the corridors during class hours.
- Smoking is prohibited on college premises.
- Students must not leave their books, valuables, and other belongings in the classroom. The college is not responsible for lost property; therefore, students may inquire about lost property at the office.
- It is essential that students read all notices placed on notice boards on the premises from time to time. All meetings, functions, programs, etc., must be organized and concluded under the supervision and control of, and presided over by, the principal or any other staff member authorized by the principal.
- Students are prohibited from engaging in any political activities on the college premises. If, for any reason, the principal feels that a student’s continuation in the college is detrimental to the college’s discipline, they may direct such a student to withdraw from the college.
- Finally, no excursions, picnics, or tours may be arranged without the principal’s prior permission. Permission may be granted if an application in the prescribed form is submitted by the concerned students to the principal at least one week before the scheduled date of the outing.,
The College is not responsible for any untoward incident that may occur on an excursion, picnic or tour. The college has established a set of rules to govern the behavior of students, and any violations of these regulations may result in disciplinary action. The punishments for acts of misbehavior, misconduct, indiscipline, or rule violations are as follows:
- Warning: A verbal cautionary measure will be issued to the student.
- Warning and Notification: A formal warning will be issued to the student, and a notification letter will be sent to the parents or guardians.
- Monetary Penalty: A fine may be imposed upon the student.
- Facility Restrictions: The student may be denied access to college facilities such as the library, computer room, or other amenities for a specified duration.
- Cancellation of Terms: The cancellation of terms may occur due to serious violations.
- Refusal of Admission: The student may be refused admission in the next academic year or term.
- Admission Cancellation:The student’s admission may be cancelled due to serious violations.
- Expulsion:The student may be expelled from the college for a specified period.
- Rustication: Rustication may be imposed upon students.